Why is important the floor Pendulum Slip Test?


The Pendulum Slip Test is used to assess slip risk potential of pedestrian walking surfaces


The British Standard Pendulum Slip Test (BS7976) has been recognised by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as a reliable and robust test to provide accurate analysis on the slip potential of all types of flooring.


The testing is based on a swinging, imitation heel sweeping over a set area of flooring in a controlled manner. The slipperiness of the flooring has a direct and measurable effect on the pendulum test value


The pendulum is designed to mimic the interaction between a person’s heel (whether barefoot or wearing a shoe) and a floor. It measures the amount of friction produced in this interaction.

Sample floor slip testing


We carried out a test for this slate floor, where everything was looking perfect;


The resistance grade on dry is 63 and on wet 52.


Minimum requirement by law is 36.

  • 24 and below – High Potential for Slip
  • 25 – 35 – Moderate Potential for Slip
  • 36+ – Low Potential for Slip
In comparison the existing floor have about 53 grade resistance (on dry) but on wet is 16.

We’re able to accommodate and carry out testing in a range of locations and situations.

The Pendulum Test Method


Today, the most common way to test a floor’s ‘potential for slip’ is the Pendulum Test Method. The pendulum device has a swinging arm to which a rubber foot is connected, allowing this to strike the floor surface to a full swing leaving behind a pointer. Multiple readings of this pointer in different directions will determinate the PTV (Pendulum Test Value). Readings are taken from both dry and wet surfaces


In order to determine how likely a floor is to have a slip resistance issue, we can conduct a slip test.
there are so many factors that can affect how slippery a floor will be.

  • What will the cleaning regime be?
  • Will the floor be mostly dry or wet?
  • What contaminants will the floor be exposed to?
  • What the foot-fall will be?
  • What type of foot-ware will be worn?

Although the slip resistance tests will only give readings and not solutions, there are several services available for improving these standards, Click Here to read about more services such as anti-slip treatments, impregnator seals that will not affect the looks, appearances os resistance, mechanically resurfacing stone or floors such as flame, leather, river or antique texture.


On an average, these slip resistance tests are recommended every 6 months.

Get in touch and book a test!

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